My project results – part 6 continued
First Jesus cleared up what I thought was the good news. The good news is not that we die, go to heaven, then live forever. The good news is that we live and never die. Then Jesus began putting the timing of things in order, pointing out what happened and when it occurred. Over the course of the year, Jesus took my understanding of what happened and simply shoved the time frame left.
When did Jesus take away the sin of the world? at his baptism
“John the Baptist, declares, ‘Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’ The next day John the Baptist sees Jesus walking and says only, ‘Behold, the lamb of God!’ John didn’t add the second part of the sentence because there was no more sin in the world to take away. John didn’t forget what the Messiah had come to do. John was declaring Jesus had finished his work of taking the sin of the world. John had one job, to make straight the way of the Lord. Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. John declares how Jesus would remove sin. (see John 1:29-36, Luke 3)
Jesus obeys God. Jesus repents and is baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus had no sin of his own to be forgiven. Jesus was acting on our behalf as our High Priest. Jesus repents and is baptized on behalf of all mankind, for everyone who will ever be born, for all sin, past, present, and future. Jesus has now fulfilled all righteousness. (see Matthew 3). Jesus has taken away the sin of the world.
This is why Jesus tells the mourners to stop crying. He says the 12-year-old girl is not dead but sleeping. (see Luke 8:49-56). Jesus isn’t lying to them. Sin is already gone from the world, so is the penalty of death. It happened at his baptism. The most someone can do is sleep, there is no more death in the world.
This is why Jesus healed all their diseases. Surely he took all our pains and our infirmities. (see Matthew 8:17, Isaiah 53:4). There is no more penalty of death and death is the source of sickness.
Revelation 21 has been fulfilled. And Himself God will be with them…and death will not be longer, nor mourning, nor outcry, nor pain not will be longer, for the things first went away.
God was walking around with them. Jesus says those who have seen me have seen the Father. I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Jesus came. The Father came. Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. They could reach out and touch God.
After his baptism, Jesus comes out of the water and is praying. The heavens tear open and the Holy Spirit comes to abide on Jesus. He’s now anointed as the Savior of the world. Having forgiven us, God now saves us – he heals, delivers and restores us. Jesus announces who he is. Isaiah 61, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, he has anointed me to … Jesus raises the dead, casts of demons, gives sight to the blind, heals every disease and infirmity among the people. Jesus is God’s chosen King. Jesus is giving his people the kingdom of God.
His hour comes. Jesus goes to the cross as the lamb of God, a guilt offering to God for all the sin he has taken from the world. ‘Father, forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.’ Again, Jesus restores Adam man to righteousness. Specially, all those among men who don’t believe he is the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Those that are murdering him. That is who Jesus just forgave. Jesus is the Passover Lamb of God. His sacrifice causes death to pass over all mankind. Jesus takes the wrath of God upon himself. The fire burns until it is complete.
Jesus took all our sin at his baptism, Jesus carried all our sin to the cross, Jesus died on our behalf because of sin, and the law judging sin was satisfied by his death. Jesus was buried showing the matter was finished.
Jesus rises from the dead without our sin. Jesus is able to return to the righteous Father because all the sin he carried to the cross is forever gone. God, on this side of the cross, is at peace with man. Jesus has taken away all sins. Where there is forgiveness of sins, there is no judgment. So God is free to bless through Jesus all creation. God exalts Jesus to his throne. Jesus receives the Holy Spirit from the Father. And Jesus pours out the spirit on all flesh.
More of Revelation 21 is fulfilled. And said the one sitting on the throne, Behold, I make all things new. And he says to me write, because these words are true and faithful. And he said to me, it is done.
How did Jesus make all things new? He poured out the Holy Spirit. It is the spirit that makes alive. (see John 6:63 INT)
Jesus baptism – sin is gone from the world, so is the penalty of sin death. Jesus at the cross – the lamb of God is sacrificed, atoning for all sin, taking the wrath of God against those who don’t believe and obey Jesus. Unbelief is sin, lawlessness is sin. It’s all dealt with at the cross. Jesus resurrection – the last enemy, death, has been defeated. Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit – behold, I make all things new. Write, it is done. All creation has been restored because the spirit gives life.
Jesus says – I do not judge anyone for I came to save the world. You have a judge, the words I have spoken they are your judge. (see John 12:47-50)
Even though on this side of the cross sin is gone from the world, the word remains forever. The word is living and active and powerfully able to discern the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. It is your rebellion against the word which results in your death. Not because the word judges you for something Jesus has already forgiven. It’s much more simple. Without Jesus, you don’t have life and you need it. Without Jesus, you turn back into dust within 120 years. Jesus has come to give us life. If we believe in him, he abides in us and we live. When you rebel against the scriptures, you die, because you don’t have Jesus who is the life you need sustaining you.
The world is creating its own judgment. They are rejecting Jesus and turning back into dust. And its not just the world, Christians are also bringing judgment on themselves. They eat judgment on themselves by not discerning the body. That is why you are sick, chronically sick, and many sleep. (see 1 Corinthians 11:29-32). We don’t discern we have been forgiven, that sin is gone, that we are righteous, that we have been changed, that God gave us a new body at baptism, that we have been raised with a new body free of corruption. We don’t see we have been resurrected in baptism and made completely new. We don’t see we have put on Jesus, we have put on life. We corrupt ourselves by believing a lie. We think we die, go to heaven and then live forever, so we do.
Click here to read more of part 6