My project results – part 6 continued


We misunderstand time. Jesus is the beginning and the end. (see Revelation 1:8) When Jesus is present you have both the beginning of things and the end of things present at the same time.


Time is like a 180 degree view. We can see on the left the beginning and the right the end. We can choose where we want to stand by how much we see has happened. Jews today who are still waiting for the Messiah to come, they aren’t seeing Jesus. The world thinking there is no God who judges them, they don’t see that they are being consumed with fire, being destroyed, that within 120 years they will be no more. A Christian thinking they die and go to heaven and then get a new body miss seeing they have that new body now.


You can choose to move all the way to the end and stand there. That is what God is offering you. Have everything now. Jesus is with you. Jesus is the end. Stand up. Rise. Enjoy life lasting forever.


now, at the completion of the ages, for putting away of sin through the sacrifice of himself, Jesus has been revealed. (see Hebrews 9:26)


This is the completion of the ages. All God wants to do with and for mankind is wrapped up in what Jesus does for us in AD 33 at the cross. The word of the cross is the power of salvation for those who believe. Having righteousness and life is a matter of seeing what has already been done.



When is the last trumpet?


We are changed in a moment of time at the last trumpet. (see 1 Corinthians 15:52)

The last trumpet is the 7th trumpet. (see Revelation 8:6)

When the 7th trumpet sounds time will be no more. (see Revelation 10:5-7)


The 7th trumpet sounds and heaven celebrates the fact God has taken his place and is reigning. (see Revelation 11:15-19) Jesus has died, Jesus has risen, Jesus is reigning. The last day has happened. The 7th trumpet has been blown. Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The end has come. Behold, I make all things new. Write, it is done. (see Revelation 21)


Remember a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. (see 2 Peter 3:8)

Some haven’t heard the trumpet yet, they don’t see Jesus saves them.

Some hear the trumpet after they sleep, they hear it and wake up in heaven and see they were changed, that it happened at their baptism.

Some hear the trumpet sounding on earth and will never sleep because they see they have already been changed.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear. We can hear the 7th trumpet sounding. We stand at the end by seeing it is done.


How does the world end? By everyone seeing Jesus. We manifest the life of Christ when we live and continue living. After so many years of us living and not dying no one on earth will be able to say they don’t see Jesus. They will see Jesus living in us.


Any Christian can abide in the word, see the truth, find the kingdom and his righteous, find life, and be the light of the world. We live. That is our light. That is what the world sees. We are righteous, we do what is right, and we live, giving thanks to God who gave us all things with Jesus. There isn’t something else God needs to do to bring about the new heavens and new earth. Jesus has come. We need to see what that means and live it so others in the world can see Jesus, the Son of the living God, who is abiding in us and us in him. All will know God. Our God is the God who gives righteousness and life.



What did God most want me to know? God will explain scripture to me. God is no respecter of persons. He gives truth to anyone who asks him. It is a profound question: God, what is it you most wish I knew today? Anyone can ask it and listen to God answer that question.



Why I wrote this project


How beautiful upon the mountains

are the feet of him who brings good tidings,

who publishes peace,

who brings good tidings of good,

who publishes salvation,

who says to Zion, "Your God reigns."

Isaiah 52:7 (RSV)



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